Assignments – Other Components

Mini Assignments

There will be three forms you can complete to earn bonus credits throughout the course. Each completed form will contribute 1%p+ to your final grade.

Assignments Bonus Credits Due
Mini Assignment 1
+1%p 01/19
Mini Assignment 2
+1%p TBD
Mini Assignment 3
+1%p TBD

By January 19th, submit a screenshot of your Google Colab page displaying a histogram of the "HOMES" column (the number of homes in each subdivision or HOA) from Raleigh_Neighborhood_Registry.csv. The screenshot must include the expanded folder structure visible on the left side of the screen in the Python environment. Ensure properly annotate x-axis and y-axis. Screenshots without clear axis labels will not receive the full credit. The AI statement is not required for this assignment.





Peer Evaluation of Teamwork
  • To promote fairness and accountability in group assignments, each team member will complete a peer evaluation form to assess their teammates’ contributions. Peer evaluations will be conducted twice during the semester, with each evaluation submitted after the group presentation. These evaluations allow students to reflect on the distribution of effort within their team and provide constructive feedback on their collaborative experience.
  • The within-team peer evaluation is designed to recognize individual contributions, address workload imbalances, and encourage effective teamwork. Evaluations are confidential and will be reviewed solely by the instructor.
  • Each team member will evaluate their peers based on the following criteria using a Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree). Students will also complete a self-evaluation using the same Likert scale. The criteria include:
    • Actively and consistently contributed to team discussions.
    • Took responsibility for assigned tasks.
    • Participated in the data collection, management, and analysis process
    • Supported other team members.
    • Communicated respectfully and constructively.
  • In addition to the Likert-scale questions, students will provide qualitative feedback through an open-ended questionnaire. This includes:
    • What went well during this group project?
    • What challenges did your team face, and how were they addressed (if at all)?
    • Do you believe the workload was equitably distributed among team members? Why or why not?
  • Submission Requirements: Peer evaluations must be submitted individually and are mandatory. Failure to submit a peer evaluation will result in a grade of zero for that portion of the assignment.
  • Grading Process for Peer Evaluations: There will be two opportunities to participate in peer evaluation. Each peer evaluation will constitute 6% of the final course grade. If the average peer evaluation score for a student is 75% or higher, they will receive the points for the peer evaluation. If the average score is below 75%, their score will be prorated based on the percentage of the evaluation score received. Peer evaluations will not directly impact the grades for the group report or presentation.